
*This session will be live interpreted from English to French.

PRIME is dedicated to developing innovative mental health programs for children, youth, and families in Manitoba and beyond. eHealth technologies offer tremendous potential to advance the reach and efficacy of therapeutics to an increasingly digitally connected population, while additionally enhancing in-person services. This research brings together diverse voices from families, community providers, practitioners, and policy makers to cultivate knowledge on the advancement of mental health equity in a sustainable way.

In fulfillment of short term aims, PRIME seeks to connect with local communities to engage in priority-identification research and to build an online Living Lab for ongoing collaboration. This research also strives to deliver technology-based services to prevent and address family mental health problems with in-person connections to community organizations. PRIME promotes community and trainee-led research initiatives from a lens of self-determination. The long-term goal of this work is to improve mental health care for the next generation.

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  • Dr. Leslie E. Roos is a Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics, and Researcher with the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba. Her work aims to advance wellness across generations by promoting mental health of parents and children so families can pursue the lives they hope to live. This includes a focus on the implementation and creation of scalable digital mental health interventions as well as equity-focused training and program-development initiatives. Dr. Roos consults with international program development teams to advance community-led solutions for family well-being. Her relevant training includes a BSc (hons) from Brown University, MS and PhD from the University of Oregon, Clinical Residency at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, as well as time as a Junior Fellow with the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
  • Sydney Levasseur-Puhach was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is Anishinaabe and a member of Sandy Bay First Nation on Treaty 1 territory. Sydney completed her BA (hons) and MA in clinical psychology at the University of Manitoba where she is currently a doctoral student in the clinical psychology program. Her research focuses on Indigenous maternal mental health and family wellness. She is a co-chair on the board of directors at Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc. and on the Indigenous Advisory Circle at Life’s Journey Inc., Miikana Pimatiziwin. She is committed to supporting the wellbeing of Indigenous families in her academic and personal endeavors.
  • Nicole Tongol is a student in the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at the University of Manitoba. Her research interests include parent and family mental health in newcomer/immigrant communities and barriers to family well-being and service access. Her long-term goals are to evaluate, adapt, and create interventions for family mental health within underrepresented populations in Canada, and particularly in Filipino communities. Outside of school, Nicole enjoys playing with her cat, crocheting, playing her ukulele, and gaming with friends.

Event Details

  • Date September 25, 2024
  • Start Time 12:00
  • End Time 13:00
  • Location Online Event
All times are EST/EDT (Toronto).