2023 Moodle Revisions

Accessing site

Go to moodle.divertmentalhealth.ca

Landing Page – Before logging in

Logging in

You were sent your login credentials in another email accompanied by written instructions on how to navigate the moodle site to find content. Follow step (1) of these instructions and then answer the questions in this section of the form.

Understanding the Layout

Continue to follow the instructions provided to you in the email (Step 2). Once you have completed the instructions in step 2, answer the questions below.

Accessing Content

Continue with step (3) in the instructions: Enrol and navigate through the “2023 – February to May – DIVERT Archived Content” and respond to the questions below.

Accessing Recordings & Playing Content (H5P Videos)

Continue with step (4) & (5) in the instructions: find the recording of a session (note: some have ENG and FR audio, some do not). Navigate through the recordings for a few different sessions and respond to the questions below.

Selecting Subtitles

Continue with step (6) in the instructions. Navigate through the recordings for a few different sessions, clicking on both the English and French subtitles for a few, and respond to the questions below.

Review of 2023 – June Annual Conference Content

Repeat step (3) through (6)in the instructions: Enrol and navigate through the “2023 – June Annual Conference” and respond to the questions below.

DIVERT Calendar

Continue with step (7) in the instructions. Complete this step and continue answering the questions below. Complete and submit the Moodle Feedback form once you have completed step (7).

Concluding Comments