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Moodle site feedback
2023 Moodle Revisions
Accessing site
Go to
Landing Page – Before logging in
1. How did you find the landing page? Did you find anything was missing?
2. Did the landing page load quickly? Did you experience any lags or delays?
Logging in
You were sent your login credentials in another email accompanied by written instructions on how to navigate the moodle site to find content. Follow step (1) of these instructions and then answer the questions in this section of the form.
3. Login to your account. Log out. Change your password and log back in to your account. Was this a smooth and secure process?
4. Once you have logged in, how did the landing page look? Was it easy to find the content from the landing page?
Understanding the Layout
Continue to follow the instructions provided to you in the email (Step 2). Once you have completed the instructions in step 2, answer the questions below.
5. How easy were the instructions to follow? Were you able to find the content?
6. Were you able to easily find the search bar and use it to locate courses or content?
7. Is there anything you think can be improved on this landing page (i.e., anything you find is missing or unclear)?
Accessing Content
Continue with step (3) in the instructions: Enrol and navigate through the “2023 – February to May – DIVERT Archived Content” and respond to the questions below.
8. Scroll through the page and click on some of the session headings for the content using the index bar on the left side (not "Recordings", rather where the dates and session titles are displayed). Do you have any general comments on the layout or accessibility of the content (i.e., session images and their content)? How easy was it to navigate through the different sessions?
9. Try adding a contact and sending them a message. How easy was this to do? Any comments on the messaging function of Moodle?
Accessing Recordings & Playing Content (H5P Videos)
Continue with step (4) & (5) in the instructions: find the recording of a session (note: some have ENG and FR audio, some do not). Navigate through the recordings for a few different sessions and respond to the questions below.
10. How easy was it to find the Recordings? Was the labelling and layout of each clear enough to ensure you are accessing the correct recording for the desired session?
11. How did you find the layout of the session description once you clicked on the recording?
12. Did you have any issues finding to "play" button or playing the video?
13. Play the March 8th FR Audio Recording. Scrub the video forward to 44:00. Wait for the feedback survey window to pop up (about 10 seconds). Do you think this survey button could be moved to a better place or do you think the placement before the Q&A period is ideal?
14. Complete the survey. How easy did you find it to access the survey? Did you have any problems submitting your responses or going back to the video to keep onto the Q&A period?
Selecting Subtitles
Continue with step (6) in the instructions. Navigate through the recordings for a few different sessions, clicking on both the English and French subtitles for a few, and respond to the questions below.
15. How easy was it to find the subtitles? Were they readable and timed ok (if not, please make note of which videos need adjusting to their subtitles)?
Review of 2023 – June Annual Conference Content
Repeat step (3) through (6)in the instructions: Enrol and navigate through the “2023 – June Annual Conference” and respond to the questions below.
16. Scroll through the page and click on some of the session headings for the content using the index bar on the left side (not "Recordings", rather where the titles like "Workshops" are displayed). Do you have any general comments on the layout or accessibility of the content (i.e., session images and their content)? How easy was it to navigate through the different sessions?
17. Go to "Morning Sessions". What did you think about the introductory image describing what the morning sessions will be about?
18. Navigate to the "Morning Sessions" recordings section. Click on the link to access the video. What do you think of the break down of the session descriptions before the video? Are they clear enough for the user? Play the video and use the interactive features to jump from one session to the next (i.e., Welcome, Keynote, Panel 1, Panel 2). How easy did you find it was to navigate to the different sessions?
DIVERT Calendar
Continue with step (7) in the instructions. Complete this step and continue answering the questions below. Complete and submit the Moodle Feedback form once you have completed step (7).
19. Find DIVERT's next event (September). Take a look at the event title and description. How easy was it to access the event, look through, and find the event link?
20. In your opinion, what is the easiest way for you to access DIVERT's live sessions (e.g., via moodle [calendar event or direct Zoom tab in menu] or via mail calendar invite containing direct Zoom link)?
Concluding Comments
After navigating the site, what would you add or change in the instructions given to you?
Is there anything else you would like to see/anything that would be useful to users in the DIVERT Moodle site?
Do you have any other comments you would like to share with us?