This session will be live interpreted from English to French
Dive into the world of photography and discover how images can be leveraged to capture deeper insights into the mental health experiences of young people and their access to care. This presentation will provide an overview of various photography-based research methods, including photo-elicited interviews and Photovoice, highlighting their advantages, limitations, and practical applications with diverse populations. Join us to explore how leveraging visual methods, such as photography, can offer a fresh perspective to qualitative research and provide an empowering platform for sharing experiences.
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Shalini Lal, BScOT, MSc, PhD (Reg. OT, QC), is the Canada Research Chair in Innovation and Technology for Youth Mental Health Services. She is also an Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Montreal. As a Principal Scientist at the University of Montreal’s Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) and Associate Researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Dr. Lal leads the Youth Mental Health and Technology Lab ( — a team that conducts research on the development, implementation, and evaluation of technology-supported mental health services innovations. Prior to embarking on an academic career, Dr. Lal worked for 10 years as a front-line youth mental health service provider as case manager, occupational therapist, and program leader.
Event Details
- Date December 12, 2024
- Start Time 12:00
- End Time 13:00
- Location Online Event